WooCommerce funnel audit service

Get an in-depth funnel analysis to find your store’s sales blockers & uncover hidden growth opportunities

Using a decade of expertise and sophisticated machine learning models, I find the hidden issues plaguing your store and uncover new opportunities growth.

Order Your Audit
woo Certified Woo Expertise
4X average ROI
Delivered in 14 days

There’s a pretty good chance your store is leaking revenue right now

In fact, an estimated 68% of people who make it to checkout will abandon their purchases, and only 2.5-3% of all your site visitors will convert into a sale. Even if you have the greatest-looking website in the world or are spending millions per month on traffic, there are likely areas where you’re leaking revenue. So what’s the cause?

The leaky funnel problem

The friction points in your shopping experience are crushing your sales potential

Potential sales will slip through the cracks when the customer’s purchase journey has bugs, lack of information, or inconsistencies—be it in ad experience, untrustworthiness, irrelevant emails, or a clunky checkout process. First impressions count online, and when a customer has a poor shopping experience, it frustrates them and severely dampens your store’s sales potential, resulting in…

Decreasing sales

Higher acquisition costs

Increasing churn

Increasing Ad Saturation

Dumping more money into ads won’t fix it. To scale your store, you need to find & demolish the friction points that are killing your sales

Sure, you may have a great-looking site, and people ARE buying, but you’re missing out on how great your store can truly be. To get the most impact for your store, you must fully understand how visitors interact with your site, what issues prevent them from purchasing, and how you can maximize every step of their journey.

The solution

My in-depth ecommerce audit program is designed to pinpoint what’s stunting your store’s growth & put a plan to 2x your revenue within the next 3-6 months

Uncover funnel conversion blockers

Find out where users drop off at each stage of your customer journey and why, and create a plan to improve conversions at every step.

Identify reasons for churn

Understand why people aren’t returning for repeat purchases and canceling subscriptions.

Find technical & performance bottlenecks

Find your site’s performance bottlenecks and tech & security issues.

Discover site usability issues

Find out which areas of your site are frustrating shoppers.

Find new growth opportunities

Identify new ways to maximize revenue from shoppers through smarter upselling, cross-selling & more.

What I do

I focus on your four core levers of growth

Traffic, Conversions, Order Size, and Frequency. These are the key areas where small improvements can lead to significant revenue growth for your store.



How can we get more people to your store?



How can we get more people to convert?

Average Order Size

Order Size

How can we get people to spend more?



How can we get people to spend more often?

And drill into…

Design & Usability

Purchase funnel

User Behavior


Emails & Ads

Upsells & Cross-Sells

Technical Stack

Popups & Opt-in Forms


The result

Uncovering insights that result in massive gains

On average, every client receives a lift in multiple business areas.

78% Email Revenue

CBD Brand

192K Revenue

Pet Accessory Brand


Health & Wellness Brand

My process

Setup & Collection

First, I collect hundreds of data points on purchase and customer shopping behavioral analytics using Google Analytics, WooCommerce, Metorik, and Hotjar. Your data is handled with utmost confidentiality and is only used for the purpose of improving your store’s performance.

Conversion Rate
Average Order Value
Email Open Rate
Click-through Rate
Purchase Frequency
Bounce Rate
Time to Purchase
Opt-in Rate
Unsubscribe Rate
Customer Acquisition Cost
Customer Lifetime Value
Repeat Customer Rate
Net Promoter Score
Churn Rate
New User Purchases
Recurring Revenue
Cart Abandonment Rate
Average Items Per Order

Data Analysis & Testing

I manually analyze your data and customer shopping activity and get customer feedback to identify key problem areas. I then run the data through my proprietary software and cutting-edge machine learning models to identify trends and check against a database of 300+ known best practices.

AI & Machine Learning
300+ Industry best practices DB
10+ Years Certified Expertise

Report & Strategic Growth Workbook

I build a (massive) 30+ page report on my findings, identified problems, recommended solutions, and potential growth opportunities. You’ll get access to all the data I’ve captured, including poll results, heat maps, click maps, recordings, and more.

You’ll also get a copy of my growth workbook with a complete itemized “to-do” list of tasks organized by site section and scored by the ICE (Impact, Confidence, Ease) prioritization framework. This framework helps us identify and prioritize the most impactful tasks for your store’s growth. We then jump on a call where I break everything down to discuss my findings, answer any questions, and walk you through the next steps.

Data & analysis breakdown

Recommended solutions

Problems identified & graded

Upsell & cross-sell opportunities

Conversion opportunities & areas for growth

Growth workbook

Funnel map

Click maps & heatmaps


Optional: Implementation & Testing

As an optional service, I can advise you on implementing solutions or bring on my team to optimize everything for you. We’d work closely over 3-6 months to track, implement, A/B test, and optimize your store.

Or, you can take your report and hand it off to your existing dev & growth team.

Who I am

Hi, I’m Mike Valera 👋. I’m a seasoned growth and technology advisor specializing in helping build, grow, and scale WooCommerce-powered brands.
Through my ecommerce agency Tribe Interactive, I’ve spent the last 10 years dissecting thousands of ecom stores, analyzing what makes shoppers tick and their buying habits, digging through mountains of data to uncover nuggets of conversion gold, and managing millions in ad spend.
I know what works and what doesn’t and have helped many ecommerce brands like yours build highly profitable growth systems.
I aim to unlock your store’s unmatched potential, setting the stage for your sustained success.

Invest in Your Site’s Growth Today

My clients typically see a 4X ROI on average after working with me. Ready to take your store’s revenue to the next level? Let’s work together.

Alarm Clock Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.comLimited Availability

I only work with 3-5 brands per month. Order now to get on the list.

The Audit

Deep data audit across your site, ads & emails + strategic action plan.

Get the Audit or – Book a call
Comprehensive audit of the existing conversion funnel
Advanced analytics research
Detailed report on findings
Funnel map
Click maps & heat maps
Growth workbook
2-hour expert walkthrough call
30 business days turnaround

Accelerator Bundle

The audit, strategic action plan, plus monthly advising for your team.

$4,997 + $1K/m
Get The Accelerator or – Book a call
Everything included in the audit
Monthly consulting and advisement post-audit (Meet 2x / month)
Collaboration in refining and implementing strategies
Access to my growth templates and worksheets
Free premium licenses for my plugins
Direct Slack connection with me


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